Review of LYFESTYLEby Yeat (listen)

Damusichits Review of LYFESTYLEby Yeat (listen)
Yeat’s known (again, loosely) for his strange preoccupations: sui generis slang terms, face-shielding headgear, bells and flutes. LYFESTYLE, his fifth studio album, shows off a handful of new obsessions: telling lies, gazing with wonderment at lights, threatening to cut people’s heads off like the Red Queen. It’s also a 22-track showcase for more probing stylistic experimentation, from “FOREVER AGAIN,” his version of a New Wave track, to “GONE 4 A MIN,” which channels a Yeezus deep cut thrown into zero gravity on which he makes a promise to “turn a deaf folk blind.” He’s big enough to feature on the most-streamed track from Drake’s For All the Dogs, but far-out enough to inspire more questions than answers.
via Apple Music
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